Digestive Health

Treating digestive disorders with traditional Chinese medicine

Digestive Health

The digestive system also known as the enteric nervous system (ENS), has also been nicknamed the “second brain”.  The ENS utilizes the neurons and neurotransmitters  also found in the central nervous system and is said to have more than 100 million nerve cells. Communication between the gut and the brain can happen directly, however the gut, or the “second brain” can control gut behavior independently of the brain. 

The digestive system is also made up of an important microbiome which helps to break down carbohydrates in the intestine and create antibodies to fight infections. However the microbiome also consists of bad bacteria. If the population of the bad bacteria is not controlled by the good bacteria,  the balance is disrupted and the immune system is sent into overdrive.  
Physical symptoms both involving the digestive system itself, and also elsewhere in the body may show up as autoimmune or chronic diseases. 

In Chinese medicine, there has long been recognition of the importance of gut health. Acupuncture can be used to balance the two branches of the nervous system; the sympathetic branch which controls “fight or flight”, and the “rest and digest” parasympathetic branch.  

Chinese medicine can be effectively used  to reset the nervous system and stabilize imbalance. Autoimmune and chronic digestive disorders benefit greatly due to acupuncture reducing inflammation and preventing flareups. 

Digestive disorders that can be treated include:

◾ IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
◾  Constipation and diarrhea
◾ Indigestion
◾ GERD  (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
◾ Abdominal pain
◾ Nausea
◾ Ulcerative Colitis
◾ Crohn’s Disease

Treatments may use acupuncture either alone, or in combination with different modalities. 

The number of treatments may vary depending on individual response and will be assessed at each treatment. 

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